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Greetings, Coyote Families! We have one more week before we all get a well deserved break! Fall Break is near but we have one more push before we get there! Here is what we can look forward to in the week ahead!
Boosterthon is Coming Soon!
We're excited to introduce this year's main fundraiser, the Alamance Community School Fun Run. Our goal this year is to raise $25,000 for arts & athletics to benefit ALL students at Alamance Community School.
We’re excited for this fundraising experience because it offers 3 important things to our school community:
User-friendly fundraising platform
Character enrichment program
Fitness-focused event that includes ALL of our students
As a family, you will work together asking friends and family to donate on your student’s Donation Page at The best part is, you can still support our school just by SHARING about the fundraiser!
Students will also experience an amazing character enrichment program called “Castle Quest”, teaching students about how to be brave and live with character.
Key Dates to Remember:
Sign up online at – 10/07/2024
Fundraiser Kickoff in school – 10/21/2024
Event Day – 10/29/2024
More details to come! Follow our social pages for updates on our fundraiser.
Entertainment Books
You don't want to miss out on purchasing an Attractions Coupon Book to support our growing Middle School Athletics program! For just $30, you can purchase a coupon book with free mobile coupons and hundreds of local offers, including free items, buy-one-get-one-free deals, and significant discounts!! Using 2 or 3 coupons at your favorite restaurants and stores will easily pay for the book and save you hundreds of dollars or more! They also make a great holiday and birthday gift. Tell your family, friends, and co-workers to help increase the success of this fundraiser. Funds raised will be used to support our Middle School Athletics Program & ends on October 31. Click on this link and use the EZPay code: 5524086 or ACSCOYOTES when you make your purchase. If you have any questions, call Darius Long at 336-270-5052 or email him at
New Carline App:
We will be launching a new carline app soon to streamline our drop-off and pick-up processes. We are trying to troubleshoot all of the kinks. Staff will be trained soon to ensure a smooth transition. Thank you for your patience as we make these improvements.
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Reminders:
Drop-Off: Classes start at 8:15 AM. To avoid your child being marked tardy, please arrive before 8:10 AM. If you are in line before 8:10 AM, students will be admitted without penalty, regardless of how long the line is. If you arrive after 8:10 AM, you will need to be redirected to the front and sign your child in as tardy.
Pick-Up: After-school carline ends at 3:45 PM (1:00 PM on Wednesdays). While the line may be long, it typically moves quickly. Parents arriving after 3:45 PM may incur a fee of up to $10 per ½ hour per child for after-school care.
We appreciate your attention to these details and your continued support in making our school environment safe and efficient. Have a great week ahead!
I want to emphasize the importance of maintaining a respectful and collaborative environment at ACS. Our shared goal is to create a safe and supportive space for all students, staff, and families. To achieve this, it is essential that we all treat one another with kindness and respect in all communications—whether by phone, email or in person.
Please understand that aggressive behavior, in any form, will not be tolerated. We are all on the same team, working to benefit our students. By maintaining open and respectful communication, we can effectively address any concerns and continue to make ACS a positive place for everyone.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Carline Updates:
We want to bring to your attention a serious safety concern regarding our car line procedures. Recently, we have observed several instances where children have been seen hanging out of windows and sunroofs during drop-off and pick-up times. This unsafe behavior poses a significant risk to our students and others in the car line.
Just this past week, one student was nearly hit by a vehicle, and another car had to slam on its brakes to avoid an accident. This type of behavior is extremely dangerous and cannot continue.
To address this issue and ensure the safety of all our students, the School Resource Officer (SRO) team will begin issuing tickets and citations for unsafe practices. We understand that everyone wants to make drop-off and pick-up times as efficient and pleasant as possible, but the safety of our children is our top priority.
Please take this opportunity to remind your children about the importance of remaining safely inside the vehicle while in the car line. We are committed to creating a safe and enjoyable environment for all students, and your cooperation is crucial in achieving this goal.
Thank you for your attention to this matter and for your ongoing support.
Current & NEW families, join our Official ACS "Coyote Pack" Facebook Group. In addition to our newsletters and teacher communications, we use this page to communicate important information during the school year. The ACS Coyote Pack FB group is a positive way to connect staff and parents/caregivers to foster good communication so we can continue to build the caring and inclusive community that so many of us want for our students, staff, and families. The ACS Coyote Pack FB group is where you can ask questions, and our staff & involved families can answer questions and provide correct information. Families NEW to ACS are welcome to join as soon as they complete their registration in SchoolMint. Request to join today:
While everyone is invited to join, please be mindful of what is posted. The goal is increased information and positivity.
We are coming to the end of our first full season of Fall Sports! Success doesn’t begin to describe this first season! Special Thanks to Coach Long for getting our sports off the ground. Please make sure you are on the lookout for winter sports, including basketball and cheerleading, in our NEW gym!
Let’s continue to make this season memorable for everyone involved! #CoyotePride!
For more information and questions regarding ACS Sports, Please contact our Athletic Director, Mr. Darius Long, at
Upcoming Sporting Events
10/1 | X-Country | Grace Christian Acadmey | Away | 4:00 |
10/1 | Boys Soccer | Triangle Day School | Home (MCP F#1) | 4:00 |
*Soccer is at Mebane Community Park Field #1 |
COYOTE CHEER Hey there Coyote families, it's Ms. W and Ms. Burt with our first announcement for the 2024-2025 ACS Cheer season! This year, we will have the opportunity to cheer for Basketball and possibly some other special events! If you have a 6th or 7th grade student interested in trying out for cheer this year, we will be having an interest meeting on Tuesday, October 15th at 7:00pm on Google Meet. Please fill out the following Google form if you would like to attend the interest meeting so we can send out the Google Meet link to all interested families: Let's go Coyotes! |
ACS staff makes every effort to reduce the prevalence of disease-causing organisms by ensuring the cleanliness of the environment, emphasizing frequent hand washing of students and staff, and following proper decontamination procedures of items used in mealtime and other activities. Despite those actions, the school-age child is often the source and conduit for communicable diseases ranging from the “common cold” to ringworm, among many. The majority of such illnesses are not among the diseases for which the state Division of Public Health, following guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, has issued mandatory isolation rules. However, the following isolation guidelines must be followed:
Hand-Foot-Mouth-Disease (HFMD) Children with HFMD should stay home from school or child care until they are fever-free for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medicine. They should also stay home if they have sores that are draining fluids or widespread blisters that haven't dried up.
Fever: The parent/guardian of any student with an oral temperature of 100 degrees will be notified and asked to pick up their child. The student should remain at home until fever-free for 36 hours without medication.
Chickenpox (Varicella): Students are excluded until all blisters have formed scabs.
Head Lice (Pediculosis): The parents/guardians of any student found with lice will be notified and asked to pick up their student. The parent/guardian may consult their medical provider or treat with an over-the-counter product. The student may return to school after receiving treatment for lice and removing nits.
Impetigo: Student is excluded from school if he/she has more than three to four sores until seen by a medical provider and treated with a prescription antibiotic for a minimum of 24 hours.
Measles (Rubeola/Rubella): Student is excluded until physician’s approval is given and student is no longer contagious.
MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus): All suspected cases should be referred to their healthcare provider and if possible, lesions should be kept covered while at school. Exclusion from school and sports activities should be reserved for those with wound drainage that cannot be covered and contained with a clean, dry bandage and for those who cannot maintain good personal hygiene.
Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea: The parent/guardian of any student experiencing nausea, vomiting, diarrhea will be notified and asked to pick up their child. The student may return to school 36 hours after the symptoms have abated.
Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis): A student who is exhibiting symptoms of pink eye should be evaluated by their medical provider. Students are allowed to return to school on approval of the physician. The student may return when treatment has begun, has minimal drainage, and the student is able to keep hands away from eyes.
Scabies: Students are excluded until one (1) treatment with prescription medication has been completed for at least 24 hours.
Strep Throat (Streptococcal and Staphylococcal Infections): Students are excluded from school until treated with a prescription antibiotic for 24 hours and have been fever-free for 36 hours.
For the full details of our policies regarding Student Health and Wellness, please refer to the parent/student handbook posted on the ACS Website and linked here:
Thank you!
Say Something Anonymous Reporting System
We are happy to announce the district-wide launch of the Say Something Anonymous Reporting System (SS-ARS). This program teaches students, teachers, and administrators how to recognize warning signals and threats, on social media, in school, or in their community, of individuals who may be a threat to themselves or others and Say Something to a trusted adult OR use its anonymous reporting system.
All 5th-7th grade students will be trained on Thursday, September 26th. Please see the attached documents for additional information. If you have further questions and/or concerns, feel free to email Cindy Gittens (School Social Worker) or Scott Tribotte (School Counselor). Thanks.
Genesis Before & After School Updates:
FALL BREAK CAMP- Registration is now open
2 Options- General Camp or Karate Camp
Students should come with a nut free snack and refillable, sealable water bottle every day.
Reminder to all ACS Families per the Handbook
Late Pick Up from School
For students not picked up in the afternoon carline by 1:45 on Wednesdays and 3:45 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday, will be taken to the ACS/Genesis Athletics after care program. For the first late pick up, there will be no charge. For the second late pick up, there will be a $5.00 charge. For the third late pick up there will be a $10.00 fee. Subsequent late pickups, parents/guardians will be charged an after care fee to be determined by how often this occurs and how late the student is picked up.
Alamance Community Extracurriculars & 4-H Register Here
Loom and Crafting begins Wednesday, Oct 2nd. Grades 2-7
Classes listed on Sawyer
Upcoming Middle School Enrichment Opportunities
Animal Science 101
Strength and Conditioning
NBA Math Hoops
Project Brainy
Environmental Programs
The Swifties
Look for information about these programs on our FB page and 4-H webpage
If you missed the Previous Newsletters from this school year, they are linked below!
