Alamance Community School
Find meaning, develop empathy, create solutions
A Tuition-Free NC Public Charter School
2025-26 Admissions Applications Grades K-8th are now open. Apply Today!
Our Mission
Alamance Community School is committed to helping students become engaged citizens by finding meaning in learning through exploring real-world problems and creating innovative and exciting solutions.
ACS is committed to helping students become engaged citizens by finding meaning in learning through exploring real-world problems and creating innovative and exciting solutions.
Project Based Learning: At ACS, Project based learning is an integral part of the philosophy and mission. Students are presented with interesting, relevant, and meaningful problems to solve. Students complete 3 projects per year/1 per trimester. We will follow the NC Essential Standards in Science and Social Studies to determine each project.
Reading Workshop, Phonics, & Word Study: ACS uses the NC Standard Course of Study in Reading and follows the Reading Workshop Model from Teachers College at Columbia University and uses the Fountas and Pinnell Guided Reading Mini-Lessons Book in addition to the and the Fountas and Pinnell Phonics & Word Study curriculum. In Reader's Workshop, students develop strong reading skills through the use of: Mini-lessons, Small guided reading groups, Read alouds, Conferencing, Independent reading, Literature response, Purposeful share, and Literacy workstations.
Writing Workshop: ACS uses the NC Standard Course of Study in Writing and follows the Writing Workshop Model from Teachers College at Columbia University. In Writer's Workshop, students are invited to live, work and learn as writers. Students learn writing craft techniques and to observe their lives and the world around them while collecting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. Students are given time to write, applying the skills and strategies they've learned to their own writing projects. As students write, the teacher provides feedback. Feedback is given through one-to-one conferences and small group instruction, and includes instructional compliments and teaching.
Math Workshop: We use the NC Standard Course of Study in Math and follow a Math Workshop Model. We pull from multiple resources to meet the Math Standards, including Math in Practice, math talks, math tasks, and the NC DPI Math resources. First, students have a math mini-lesson. Next, students rotate through math workstations, including a small-guided math group on the student’s level.
Responsive Classroom/Morning Meeting: We use a system of classroom management called Responsive Classroom. The main goal of Responsive Classroom is to promote optimal student learning and create a caring community of students and staff. It is a research-based program that shows students learn best when they feel safe, challenged, and happy. The main components of Responsive Classroom are Morning Meeting, Hopes and Dreams, Rule Creation, Guided Discovery, and Logical Consequences. During the first six weeks of school, we spend time learning the rules, routine, procedures, etc. that will foster our students as independent learners and will make our classroom run smoothly. Every day, students gather in morning meeting to greet each other, start the day, and learn social skills like respect, responsibility, and empathy.
Technology: ACS offers a 21st century learning environment in which every student has access to computers, iPads, or Chromebooks within their classrooms. Students use these devices in math and literacy workstations and for project research. Each classroom also has digital displays or an interactive whiteboard to enhance the learning experience.
Extracurricular Activities: Extracurricular activities enhance the school experience. With engaged and dedicated parent volunteers, we hope to offer a variety of experiences for our elementary students to enjoy, such as Science Olympiad and after school Enrichments.
After School Care and Enrichments: We currently partner with Genesis Athletics to provide Before and After Care services. We are currently working on our After School Enrichment plans with local providers.
Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO): At ACS, our hope is that we will have a supportive and active Parent-Teacher Organization. Their responsibilities could include having a spring carnival, hosting hospitality luncheons for ACS faculty, and eliciting parent volunteer opportunities that enhance the educational experience for our ACS students.