Greetings, Coyote Families.
We have many moving parts this week and want to ensure everyone knows all updates and changes. One quick reminder: No school for students or staff will be on Monday, January 20th, 2025. Also, pending weather, we are really looking forward to the 3rd Annual Coyote Connections on Thursday! Please read the newsletter in its entirety.
Dear ACS Families & Staff,
Given that we may receive additional inclement weather next week, I wanted to share this information with you. The ACS Administration and the Board understand how challenging schedule changes are for our families and staff when inclement weather is predicted and after a weather event.
ACS is an NC Public Charter School, and we are our own district. Thus, we make our own decisions regarding inclement weather. Closing school, having a delayed opening, closing early, and/or having a remote learning day is a complex decision process and is not something that we do lightly. However, the safety of everyone, students, parents/guardians, and staff, is always our top priority. Furthermore, having families and staff that travel from multiple counties in NC adds another element to the decision process.
Anytime inclement weather is predicted, we are closely monitoring the timing of the weather that is potentially on the way. After a weather event, we are investigating the road conditions, in addition to tracking what other charter schools and school districts in our area are doing. We will always try to make a decision by 9:00 PM for the following day, when possible. Once a decision is made, we are sending out a message to all families and staff via email, text/phone, in addition to posting on our website and social media. If your phone number or email address has changed, please be sure that you have provided your child’s teacher and the front office with the new information.
Staff begin arriving around 6:30 AM to prepare for the day and our carline begins at 7:45 AM. Because of the distance some of our staff and families travel to ACS, they are often driving while it is still dark, which can be extremely dangerous when the weather reports have advised us about side roads, overpasses, and the potential for black ice conditions. Therefore, at times, a delayed opening is our best option and allows our staff and families to drive safely during daylight hours.
Remote learning will be an option considered for our students, if a full day closure is needed. Teachers will continue to send home packets and resources in the event of a remote learning day due to inclement weather.
Thank you for your understanding and patience as we address the challenging winter weather and rest assured that our students, staff, and parents/guardians safety is at the forefront of each decision.
Middle School Gym Update
At this time, we still do not have the CO for the middle school gym. Our contractor and the Emergency Radio vendor learned this afternoon that the inspectors are requiring an additional piece of equipment to be installed on the Emergency Radio system called a Knox Box "Kill" switch before they will issue a CO.
Today was the first time that this Knox Box has ever been mentioned to anyone and unfortunately, these additional last minute requirements are totally out of our control. I know that this is incredibly disappointing and frustrating for our students, families, and staff. I also feel disappointed, discouraged, and frustrated with this situation.
Please know that I am in contact with our contractor multiple times per day and as we receive additional information, we will let you know.
Leslie Paynter, M.Ed.
Managing Director
Alamance Community School
Please check your child's Friday folders for their current progress report. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the teacher. If you need help accessing powerschool for updates, please email Leslie Jewell
We are excited to announce an important change to our afternoon dismissal process that will begin on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Alamance Community School will be implementing a new application called KIDAccount, which will streamline the way we track student dismissals for carline, After School vans, Genesis Athletics, and more. This system will help us ensure greater safety and accountability for all students.
KIDAccount uses a unique barcode card for each student, replacing the current carline number system. Two copies of your student's barcode card will be sent home on Friday, January 17. Please keep these cards in a safe place, as these will be the only copies provided. If you need a replacement at any point, there will be a $5 charge per card. This barcode card will help facilitate:
Picking up your child through the carline.
Signing your student out for early pickups through the front office.
Signing your child in, if they are tardy
Key Changes to Our Dismissal Process to Improve School Safety
Barcode Card + Photo ID: To pick up your child, you will need to present your student’s barcode and a photo ID, even when in the carline. Please have both your student’s barcode and your photo ID out and ready to show carline staff to ensure carline continues to move as efficiently as possible. All pickup persons should hold their barcode card(s) and photo id up to the driver’s side window for the dismissal staff to clearly see and scan your student’s code.
Approved Pickup Persons (PUP): To ensure the safety and security of all students, we will refer to your student’s approved Pickup Person list to ensure only authorized individuals are allowed to pick up your child. This is a change from previous procedures and will now apply to carline as well as early checkouts.
* Please note that these changes do not affect EC Carline. EC Carline will continue to operate as usual. However, your child’s barcode card can be used for more quickly checking your child in and out through the front office.
What You Can Do
To make this transition and process as smooth as possible, please:
Update Your Pickup Person (PUP) List:
Your student’s list of approved pickup persons was established during registration or re-enrollment. If you have previously made updates to this list, they have already been applied in KIDAccount.
If you participate in a carpool with other families, please ensure that any other parents/guardians have a copy of your student’s barcode and are also on your student’s approved PUP list.
If you need to make any new changes, please contact Leslie Jewell at
Communicate Transportation Changes:
Please inform both your child’s homeroom teacher and about any changes to your child’s transportation. For same-day changes, please email them by 1:00 PM on M/T/Th/F and before 11 AM on Wednesdays. If an emergency change occurs after this cutoff time, please call the school office directly.
Van Riders: If your child rides a van for aftercare, please notify both ACS and the aftercare facility of any transportation changes.
Be patient and understanding as we work to implement and refine these changes aimed at enhancing our safety measures for student pickup and checkout. We understand that transitions can take time, and we appreciate your cooperation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What if I need more than two copies of my student’s barcode?
A: You may order additional cards for $5 each, or you can make a photocopy of the cards issued to you. However, please only distribute copies to approved pickup persons.
Q: What if I need to add a pickup person for my child?
A: To add someone to your child’s pickup list, please email Leslie Jewell at with the following information:
Your student’s First and Last Name and Grade level
Pickup Contact's First and Last Name
relationship to the student
mobile phone number
email address
Does this person live with the student?
Does this person have custody of the student?
Do they have permission to pick the student up from school?
Are they also able to be an emergency contact for the students?
Q: What if I need to remove a pickup person or ban a pickup person for my child?
A: Please also contact Leslie Jewell at to make these changes.
We are confident that the new KIDAccount system will contribute to a more efficient and safe dismissal process for all students. Thank you for your continued support as we strive to improve the experience for everyone in our school community.
Congratulations to Our January Coyotes of the Month!
The school-wide spelling bee was held on Wednesday. We began the Bee with 19 spellers from grades 3-7. In the end, 43 rounds were needed to decide the school winner.
Niharika Vallabhajosula, in grade 4, was named school champion with the correct spelling of the word RELEGATED. Second place went to Samih Shaik, and 3rd place was Kathryn French.
Special thanks to Mrs. Moyer and Mrs. Ford for being judges, Mrs. Jewell for live streaming the event, and Ms. W for setting up the audio system. Also, a special thank you to Ms. Knight for being flexible with PE classes and freeing up the elementary school gymnasium space. A big thank you to the grade-level teachers for holding classroom bees.
Lastly, thank you, Mrs. Quick, Ms. Snyder, and Mrs. Philpot, for sharing the vision ad for bringing the Scripps Bee to ACS.
We are looking forward to our next Coyote Connections! It will be earlier this year to ensure we allow school access for open enrollment and staff and families have a moment to connect to prepare students for end-of-year testing.
A parent Panel will give background and insight and answer questions. There will be information sessions from each grade level and tours for prospective parents. There will also be apparel being sold.
This event will occur on January 23rd, 2025, from 4:30 pm to 7pm. The New family tours will take place at 5:30.
4:30 - 5 or 5:30 | Parent Panel in the Elementary Gym All PArents and families will start here. |
5-7 | Parents can go to rooms and see presentations from teachers. |
5:30 | New Family Tours *Feel free to sign up even if you are a veteran family and want to see our completed construction progress |
Other Tables and Information to be shared | |
Student Services | ACS Sports |
Science Olympiad | PTO (Pizza and drinks on sale) |
ACS Gear for Sale | Reading Interventions |
*Our weather backup date will be set if needed and shared as soon as we lock in an alternate!
Huge shoutout to our lady Coyotes! These girls came out fierce and got the WIN!

Below is the updated Basketball Schedule.
2024-25 Alamance Community School Basketball Schedule
1/21 Away vs. Grace Christian Academy 4:30 pm/5:30 Boys* Haw River, NC
1/23 Away vs. Grace Christian Academy 4:00 pm Girls/5:15 pm Boys Haw River, NC
1/27 Away vs. River Mill Academy 4:30 pm Girls/5:45 pm Boys Graham, NC
1/30 Away vs. Discovery Charter School 4:30 pm Girls/5:30 pm Boys Bahama, NC
2/3 Home vs. Haw River Christian Academy 4:15 Girls/ 5:15 pm Boys Haw River, NC
2/4 Home vs. The Hawbridge School 4:30* pm Boys Only* Haw River, NC
2/8 Away 4th Annual Coach Kirkling Classic (MS Tournament) TBD Durham, NC
2/10 Home vs. Discovery 4:15 pm Girls/5:15 pm Boys* Haw River, NC
2/11 Student vs. ACS Staff Basketball Game (Jamboree Event) 4:30 pm Haw River, NC
*Home Basketball Games: 195 Kronbergs Ct, Haw River, NC 27258 (ACS MS Gym)
Admission: $5 Adults $3 Students K-12th
*Coyote Pack Deal (2 adults & 2 students $14)
Athletic Questions:
Contact AD: Darius Long
On game days, we will shift how we dismiss athletes. Students will go to Cottage 2 (This will be Middle School Gym once it is fully completed) instead of the main office. Parents, please park in the Middle school Gym Parking lot, and Coach Long and/or the sports coaches will meet you to sign out. When we have home games, sports will be dismissed to the Middle School gym. We are currently brainstorming what sports transportation will look like in the coming years. However, in the meantime, please consider carpooling with other team parents to get our students to location not just safely, but also quickly.
*The Board approved the 2025-2026 calendar in November. It can be found on our website and is included here as well.
We are noticing an increase in congestion and delays during morning carline, impacting students' arrival times. Please help us ensure a smooth drop-off by arriving early, ideally before 8:00 AM. Arriving by this time allows your student to be promptly in line and on their way to class.
Here are some tips to make drop-off smoother:
Prime Arrival Time: 7:50 - 8:05; Carline tends to be less crowded, making it the ideal time to arrive.
Prompt Line Movement: Though the line may appear long, it moves steadily, especially early in the morning before larger groups arrive.
Avoid the Late-Front Drop-Off: The front area takes longer, so using the carline is typically faster and more efficient.
Please note that students arriving after 8:15 will be marked tardy. Families with excessive tardies will need to meet with Mr. Miller and our social worker, Mrs. Gittens, to address attendance issues.
To ensure an efficient and safe dismissal process, we will begin a few minutes early to accommodate the longer carline. Please note that starting in the coming days, the carline will close promptly at 3:45 PM. This adjustment is necessary to prioritize the well-being of our staff, who have been outside in the cold for extended periods.
Families arriving after 3:45 PM will be subject to afterschool late fees. We appreciate your understanding and collaboration in helping us maintain a smooth dismissal process.
As a reminder: Late Pick Up from School
For students not picked up in the afternoon carline by 1:45 on Wednesdays and 3:45 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday will be taken to the ACS/Genesis Athletics aftercare program. There will be no charge for the first late pickup. For the second late pick-up, there will be a $5.00 charge. For the third late pick up there will be a $10.00 fee. Subsequent late pickups, parents/guardians will be charged an after care fee to be determined by how often this occurs and how late the student is picked up.
Thank you for your continued support in ensuring all students arrive at school on time and ready to learn.
Current & NEW families, join our Official ACS "Coyote Pack" Facebook Group. In addition to our newsletters and teacher communications, we use this page to communicate important information during the school year. The ACS Coyote Pack FB group is a positive way to connect staff and parents/caregivers to foster good communication so we can continue to build the caring and inclusive community that so many of us want for our students, staff, and families. The ACS Coyote Pack FB group is where you can ask questions, and our staff & involved families can answer questions and provide correct information. Families NEW to ACS are welcome to join as soon as they complete their registration in SchoolMint. Request to join today:
While everyone is invited to join, please be mindful of what is posted. The goal is increased information and positivity.
Late Pick Up from School
For students not picked up in the afternoon carline by 1:45 on Wednesdays and 3:45 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday will be taken to the ACS/Genesis Athletics aftercare program. There will be no charge for the first late pickup. For the second late pick-up, there will be a $5.00 charge. For the third late pick up there will be a $10.00 fee. Subsequent late pickups, parents/guardians will be charged an after care fee to be determined by how often this occurs and how late the student is picked up.
Alamance Community Extracurriculars & 4-H Register Here
Loom and Crafting Grades 2-7
Classes listed on Sawyer
Upcoming Middle School Enrichment Opportunities
Animal Science 101
Strength and Conditioning
NBA Math Hoops
Project Brainy
Environmental Programs
The Swifties
Look for information about these programs on our FB page and 4-H webpage
Student Commitment for 2025-26: Coming Jan 21
Current Coyote Families will express their intent for their student(s) to return to Alamance Community School for 2025-26 by completing a Google Form for the school. These forms will be sent home via email on Tuesday, January 21 and must be completed by Friday, February 7.
If you do not receive the email with the instructions and form link by the end of the day on Tuesday, January 21, please contact Leslie Jewell via email at
School Communications - How to Receive Texts/Phone Calls and Emails from ACS
Last September, we completed the transition to a new school communication software called SchoolMessenger. This change is part of our ongoing efforts to enhance the way we communicate with you and ensure that you receive timely and accurate information about school news, events and your child's education.
The new software offers several improved features, including:
SchoolMessenger App: Receive instant notifications about school events and important announcements.
Custom Notification Preferences: The SchoolMessenger app also allows you to manage your notification preferences for various types of communications including General, Emergency, Attendance and more.
SMS Opt-In: Opt-In to receive text messages by sending a quick text message to our school’s short code.
To help you navigate this transition, we have linked a few resources:
SMS Text Opt-In Flyer: Opt-In to receive texts from SchoolMessenger using the QR code or short code text instructions in this flyer.
SchoolMessenger App Parent User Guide: The SchoolMessenger app allows schools and school districts to inform guardians and students about school related emergencies, school closures, attendance or other school-related issues. The SchoolMessenger app sends and receives notifications straight to mobile devices or desktops.
To download the app, please visit your app store for iOS or Android.
Important: If you already have an email address that the school has on record, use this email address when you sign up for your account in the app.
Please note: We will not be implementing Groups, Teacher Messaging nor Teacher-Created Groups at this time.
We have loved having so many volunteers in the classroom! Thank you for supporting our students and staff!
Volunteerism at our school is a way for you, parents and guardians, to learn more about ACS, engage in a positive way with your child’s teachers, and witness firsthand the hard work and dedication that all our staff - teachers, assistants, support staff, and administrators demonstrate each and every day.
It is also a way to support your student and other students by assisting with workstations or a small group, helping with clerical tasks or lunch, and/or something as simple as reading a book to the class. You do not have to be an educator to volunteer, and everyone is welcome! Please click on the ACS Volunteer Form Link below to find ways that you can volunteer to help support our school!
WE ARE HIRING! Looking to build the team!
We are in search of Elementary, Middle and EC Team members for ACS! If you or someone you know would be a good fit for ACS, please apply through our website under the ‘Employment’ tab (see link below) and email a resume to Mr. Miller at
ACS will have its inaugural Scripps National Spelling Bee on Wednesday, Jan. 15th. Classroom winners from grades 3-7th will participate in the school-wide bee. Our spelling bee will be live-streamed on our parent ACS Facebook page.
Our MOY mCLASS Benchmark opens Monday, Jan.13th- Feb.3rd. Set students up for success by preparing them to be tested by a different teacher and by providing a quiet environment for testing.
1/13 - 2/14 | Testing Window #2 |
1/23 | Coyote Connections 4:30-7 |
2/13 | End of Trimester 2 |
If you have missed any of the previous newsletters, here are the links.