Dear Families,
With the heartrending developments in our country and as our world is changing, empathy and inclusiveness are two of the most important skills that we as educators and parents can teach our children. As educators, we are called to move beyond our words and feelings to become better listeners, learners, and advocates so that each and every member of our community - students, staff, parents, and guardians - feel safe, valued, and respected.
The goal for our children to be change makers within our school and the community seems even more important than ever before. Everyone needs the skill of empathy to succeed. It is the cornerstone for being able to resolve conflicts, collaborate with peers, solve problems, and drive change. This is why our work to build empathy and service within our curriculum is
critical. We believe that teaching empathy and our children’s social-emotional development is just as important as their academic development. These are challenging times, but our resolve and commitment to creating a community where everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, or difference, can thrive is paramount.
I had a fantastic visit at the construction site on Tuesday! You can go to our Facebook page to see the video from my visit. Here is the link: Construction Video on Facebook The exterior and parapet walls, in addition to the top of the elevator shaft have been framed and sheathed. They began to set the boxes and run the cable on the second floor. Last, but not least, the roof is prepped and ready for the roofers to begin installing our PVC roof on Monday. The installation of the roof means that even during rainy weather, work inside the building can continue.
On Thursday, state health and education leaders announced that they will release guidance on June 11 how North Carolina public schools can reopen in the fall. The State Superintendent, Mark Johnson, said that the Department of Public Instruction will present guidance next week on now to put into effect the health guidelines. Every public school in NC is waiting on this information so that we can finalize plans for opening safely.
I am working with the Alamance Public Library to add our school to their Bookmobile route in the fall and for our students and staff to be a part of the ACPL Connect program. ACPL Connect is Alamance County Public Libraries working together with schools in Alamance County to provide students and staff with easily accessible information and educational resources. Students no longer need library cards. Instead, students can use their school ID number to access library services. I’m really excited that we are able to access this wonderful service for our ACS community!
Leslie Paynter, M.Ed.
Managing Director

If you have questions about your SchoolMint account or questions about uploading records,etc., please email Jen Adler at or call 919-479-1442 extension 707.
Jen manages our SchoolMint account and is able to assist with your questions on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. If you have been offered a spot for your child to attend, I strongly encourage you to accept the offer and begin the registration process ASAP. Also, make sure that you are contacting your child’s doctor and school offices to access their records for the registration process. If your child’s doctor’s appointment isn’t until the summer, upload all the other documents and in that spot, upload a picture of the doctor appointment date.
As long as status is "Registration in Progress," you will not lose your spot. We understand that it is still difficult to get certain documents and appointments and that many students will not receive a final report card until mid-June.

The Before and After School information provided by Genesis Athletics is on our website at: Before & After School Care. There is a Registration Form that you can complete. If you have any questions,
or if you would like more information, please contact Evelyn Kreiley at or at 585-738-7360
Be sure to tell your friends and family that they can still apply to attend ACS for the 2020-2021 school year. Here is the link to apply: ACS Application

One of my favorite Empathy Read Alouds is The Name Jar by Yangsook Choi. Being the new kid in school is hard enough, but what about when nobody can pronounce your name? Having just moved from Korea, Unhei is anxious that American kids will not like her. So instead of introducing herself on the first day of school, she tells the class that she will choose a name by the following week. Her new classmates are fascinated by this no-name girl and decide to help out by filling a glass jar with names for her to pick from.

If you are doing “spring cleaning”, we would love to have any extra Puzzles, LEGOS, blocks, and building materials for our LEGO/Engineering class and classrooms. Also, if you have children’s books (all levels) that you are no longer using, please set those aside for us too!
The National Association of School Psychologists has developed this resource for parents regarding how to talk to children about COVID-19. National Association of School Psychologists
HIGH QUALITY FREE WEBSITES & APPS - High Quality Educational Resources and Apps
FREE BOOSTERTHON RESOURCES - Boosterthon Access Code: AtHome Boosterthon on Facebook

Don’t forget to check our website and Facebook page for previous messages & more school information! and