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ACS Newsletter 4/19/2020


Dear Families, You will be amazed at how much has taken place on the construction site this week! The elevator pit was built, the catch basins were formed and then backfilled, all the footings were poured, and they worked on bringing up the road on the east side of the building. This week, they will begin the perimeter block and laying the pipes for the plumbing.

As I stated in last week’s newsletter, a September 8th start date for students is very realistic. Their plan is to finish construction by the end of August. This gives us two weeks to get the CO, move in furniture, and set up classrooms. The draft calendar for a September 8th start date has been finalized and I am presenting it to the Board for approval. As soon as a new calendar is approved this week, we will post it on our website.

Free Stories for kids of all ages: While kids are out of school, Audible is offering a free collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, to help students continue dreaming and learning.

Don’t forget that if you are doing “spring cleaning”, we would love to have any extra LEGOS, blocks, and building materials for our LEGO/Engineering class. Also, if you have children’s books (all levels) that you are no longer using, please set those aside for us too! Once we are able to resume normal activities, I will arrange a time and a place for collecting the LEGOS, blocks, and books.

We have a few open spaces left in 3rd Grade and the waitlist for 1st and 2nd Grade are short, but growing. However, we do have a significant waitlist for Kindergarten. So, tell your friends and family that now is the time to apply for 1st - 3rd! Here is the link to apply:


Leslie Paynter, M.Ed.

Managing Director



I’m originally from West Virginia. I have lived in NC most of my life, however many of my wonderful childhood memories involve spending holidays and summer vacations with my grandparents in Shady Spring, WV. My grandfather had been a coal miner and then later became a Baptist minister. My grandmother was a fantastic cook and found joy in preparing meals for her family. So, it’s no surprise that Cynthia Rylant is one of my favorite children’s book authors and When I Was Young in the Mountains is possibly my favorite children’s book!


As a child in West Virginia, Cynthia Rylant never dreamed of becoming a writer. After taking a college English class, she became hooked on writing. One night, she sat down and wrote When I Was Young in the Mountains. It was an instant success and was a Caldecott Honor Book and an ALA Notable Book. She continues to write amazing stories of friendship, love, and grief. She often draws upon her memories of growing up in West Virginia.

Years ago, when my boys were in the 4th grade and 8th grade, our dog, Susie, was very sick. Cynthia Rylant’s book, Dog Heaven was a source of great comfort for our entire family!




Be sure to tell your friends and family that we only have a few open spaces left in 3rd Grade and the waitlist for 1st and 2nd Grade are short, but getting longer each day. So, now is the time to apply for 1st - 3rd!


We know that many of you are unable to access immunization records and school report cards due to COVID-19. As long as we can see that the Registration is in Progress, your child will not lose their spot. In the SchoolMint system, ALL documents must be uploaded before it will allow you to submit.

Once this crisis is over, we will get everyone to upload the missing documents (immunization & school records).

If you have been offered admission and/or if you have accepted, you need to begin the Registration Process ASAP!


Don’t forget to check our website and Facebook page for previous messages & more school information! and

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