Dear Families, This week, the plumbers wrapped all the pipe with plastic and the power company ran conduit for the circuits for the south end of the building. The engineers staked the backside of the sediment pond and tested the grout for the block infill and rebar placement in the elevator shaft walls. The grout was poured in the block for the elevator shaft and in the perimeter block. They set up scaffolding for the elevator shaft and finished laying their sub course for the exterior brick. They plan to pour the slab on Thursday and begin framing on May 11th, so even with all the rain we had last week, construction is right on track for our September 8th start date!
Don’t forget to look at the school calendar posted on our website at: 2020 -2021 School Calendar and our Before and After School information provided by Genesis Athletics at: Before & After School Care. Before and After School Care Registration information will be coming soon!
My hope is that doctor and school offices will be open soon so that families can access records to complete the Registration Process. Once we know that offices are open, we will have a Registration deadline date that we will send out via newsletter, email, and text and will also post on our website. Please be sure that your contact information, including an email address, is up to date in your SchoolMint account.
Free Stories for kids of all ages: While kids are out of school, Audible is offering a free collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, to help students continue dreaming and learning.
Don’t forget that if you are doing “spring cleaning”, we would love to have any extra LEGOS, blocks, and building materials for our LEGO/Engineering class. Also, if you have children’s books (all levels) that you are no longer using, please set those aside for us too! Once we are able to resume normal activities, I will arrange a time and a place for collecting the LEGOS, blocks, and books.
We have a few open spaces left in 3rd Grade and the waitlist for 1st and 2nd Grade are short, but growing. However, we do have a significant waitlist for Kindergarten. So, tell your friends and family that now is the time to apply for 1st - 3rd! Here is the link to apply: ACS Application
Leslie Paynter, M.Ed.
Managing Director
At ACS, we will follow the Responsive Classroom approach. The First Six Weeks of School is a book that all of the ACS teachers are reading and will use at ACS. It shows teachers how to set students up for a year of engaged and productive learning by: ‣ Using positive teacher language to establish high academic and behavioral expectations ‣ Getting students excited about schoolwork by offering engaging academics ‣ Teaching the classroom and academic routines that enable a collaborative learning community to thrive.
The teachers and staff will spend time at the beginning of the year with our students learning the rules and routines and creating a respectful and kind classroom climate and culture to ensure that everyone can learn and that the classroom operates safely and efficiently.
If you would like to read an interview with Roxann Kriete, co-author of The First Six Weeks of School explaining why we practice this approach, please click on the link. Roxann Kriste Interview
Be sure to tell your friends and family that we only have a few open spaces left in 3rd Grade and the waitlist for 1st and 2nd Grade are getting longer. So, now is the time to apply for 1st - 3rd!
We know that many of you are unable to access immunization records and school report cards due to COVID-19.
As long as we can see that the Registration is in Progress, your child will not lose their spot. In the SchoolMint system, ALL documents must be uploaded before it will allow you to submit.
Once we know that offices are open, we will have a Registration deadline date that we will send out via newsletter, email, and text and will also post on our website.
Please be sure that your contact information, including an email address, is up to date in your SchoolMint account.
If you have been offered admission &/or if you have accepted, you need to begin the Registration Process ASAP!
Don’t forget to check our website and Facebook page for previous messages & more school information! and