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Natalie Mason

Occupational Therapist

Natalie Mason has worked as a school-based Occupational Therapist as well as a Pediatric Occupational Therapist in private clinic-based practice for over 20 years. She has worked in a variety of schools (K-12) across the region including Durham Public Schools, Orange County Schools, Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools, and Voyager Academy Charter School. She is looking forward to developing meaningful relationships with students, families, and teachers in order to collaboratively maximize student’s occupational performance. She is thrilled to have the opportunity to support young Coyotes and be part of the ACS community!

Natalie grew up in Chapel Hill and graduated from the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill with a BA in Psychology and an MS is Occupational Therapy. One of the highlights of her graduate studies was the opportunity to study chimpanzee behavior and meet Dr. Jane Goodall. Natalie currently lives in Durham with her husband, two children, and two doggies. She is passionate about children, animals, and OT! When not working, she spends time with her family, playing games, cooking, taking nature hikes, and camping.

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