Dear Families,
Even with all the rain we have had this week, they finished framing all the walls on the first floor except the multi purpose room/gym. I couldn’t believe how much they accomplished! They began the exterior sheathing, framed the stairwell at the south end, and started the floor trusses. The first picture (above) shows the work from Monday and the last two pictures are from Friday.
SchoolMint Information
If you have questions about your SchoolMint account or questions about uploading records,etc., please email Jen Adler at or call 919-479-1442 extension 707. Jen manages our SchoolMint account and is able to assist with your questions on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Current Registration Information
Some of you may have noticed movement on the Kindergarten waitlist this week. This is due to the State Board of Education approving an enrollment increase given the long waitlist and also rescinding offers to families that have had several weeks (and reminders) to accept the offer and begin the registration process, but did not. If you have been offered a spot for your
child to attend, I strongly encourage you to accept the offer and begin the registration
process ASAP.
Also, be sure that you are contacting your child’s doctor and school offices to
access their records for the registration process. If your child’s doctor’s appointment isn’t
until the summer, upload all the other documents and in that spot, upload a picture of the
doctor appointment date. As long as status is "Registration in Progress," you will not lose
your spot. We understand that it is still difficult to get certain documents and appointments
and that many students will not receive a final report card until June.
Before & After Care
Don’t forget to look at the Before and After School information provided by Genesis Athletics at: Before & After School Care. There is a Registration Form that you can complete.
Be sure to tell your friends and family that they can still apply to attend ACS for the 2020-2021 school year. Here is the link to apply: ACS Application
Leslie Paynter, M.Ed.
Managing Director
On Monday, Memorial Day, we honor the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Each year on Memorial Day, a national moment of remembrance takes place at 3:00 p.m. local time.
Some of you may wonder what the difference is between Veterans Day and Memorial Day. Memorial Day was initially called Decoration Day, It began in 1868 at Arlington National Cemetery where people decorated the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers with flowers. After World War I, Americans adopted this tradition to honor all who died in any military action. We are honoring men and women who gave their lives for our country. Veterans Day dates back to when Armistice Day was declared after World War I to honor the heroism of the American soldiers and their contribution to the world peace. After World War II, the name of the holiday was changed to Veterans Day. Veterans Day is observed on November 11.
This week, in honor of Memorial Day, I want to highlight The Wall, a children’s book by Eve Bunting. The Wall is about a boy that travels to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial with his father to seek out his grandfather's name. The story is quiet and reserved and mirrors their attitude at the wall as they search for his grandfather’s name. Other visitors will come and leave the wall as the boy and his father stay still and quiet.
Eve Bunting has a gift for writing about serious subjects in a way that makes them
accessible to young children. When she was asked what inspired her to write The Wall,
she said that after the monument was erected, she saw some magazine photographs of
people leaving memorabilia and touching the wall and crying. It made her think about how
terrible it is for those left behind to mourn. After The Wall was published, she took the
book to the wall and left it behind with the other mementos of remembrance.
As long as status is "Registration in Progress," you will not lose your spot. We understand how hard it is to get certain documents and appointments right now.
However, be sure that you are contacting your child’s doctor and school offices to access their records for the Registration Process.
A few families have asked about what to do if their child’s doctor’s appointment isn’t until later in the summer. If your child’s doctor’s appointment isn’t until the summer, upload all the other documents and in that spot, upload a picture of the doctor appointment date.
Please be sure that your contact information, including an email address, is up to date in your SchoolMint account.
If you have been offered admission &/or if you have accepted, you need to begin the Registration Process ASAP!
Be sure to tell your friends and family that they can still apply to attend ACS for the 2020-2021 school year. Here is the link to apply: ACS Application
If you are doing “spring cleaning”, we would love to have any extra LEGOS, blocks, and building materials for our LEGO/Engineering class. Also, if you have children’s books (all levels) that you are no longer using, please set those aside for us too! Once we are able to resume normal activities, I will arrange a time and a place for collecting the LEGOS, blocks, and books.
Don’t forget to check our website and Facebook page for previous messages & more school information! and